a community-driven abortion collective in eugene, oregon


Signing up for our newsletter is currently the best way to stay in touch with us as social media platforms and other ways of communicating are changing rapidly.


We offer Abortion Support through free Abortion Doula Services. Our support can be in-person or through text. We are accepting new clients- please email or text us! To learn more Abortion Doula support, click here


We are dedicated to sharing information on all of the options you currently have for abortion care, as well as keeping you up to date on abortion rights and policy as they change.


Abortion rights are under attack in the U.S. and we are passionate about fighting for our rights while keeping you up to date on how you can get involved.

Abortion is legal in Oregon.

  • You do not need to be a resident of Oregon or a U.S. citizen to get abortion services in Oregon.

  • Oregon has no restrictions on abortions based on how far along in pregnancy you are.

  • There are also no required waiting periods before receiving an abortion.

  • There are no restrictions on getting medication abortion pills by mail within Oregon.

— Per The Oregon Health Authority (oregon.gov/oha)